Looking for a marketing dictionary on the industry’s various terminologies, etymologies and every other type of –ologies? Google’s first few pages are full of informative and satisfactory results. However, our post this week is… a little bit different from the rest. Please visit and read one of the links below instead if you answer ‘yes’ to one of the following questions:
- Are you recently entering the field and are searching for the five definitions of marketing? Here are 72 of them to help you build a wide perspective.
- Perhaps you are feeling a bit philosophical and in a mood to challenge the very nature and meaning of marketing instead? Then, this book will serve you best.
- Now, if what you are after is a war on words over the semantics of the most recent buzzwords in the field, then this post is definitely not for you. Try this one instead and let us know what you thought of it.
Did you not find the marketing dictionary you were looking for? Then, chances are that what you are truly after is a good laugh and some food for thought. If that is so, you have come to the right place. Our pro-funny marketing dictionary has been created with people like yourself in mind. Now, without any further ado, please find it below:
The World’s First Profane (and Pro-Fun) Marketing Dictionary
Part of our workplace banter is to message each other with acronyms that are never what they seem. Different departments use the same acronym to mean different things, which is why many items on the following list have more than one backronym. Just imagine opening your Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Chat, Discord, or Mattermost to one of the below:
- WTF: Where’s the file, or wait, there’s funding?
- DAM: Dangerous assumption, mate
- BFD: Black Friday deal, big fat disclaimer, or bulk file download
- FFS: File finding statistics, foreign formatting specifications
- STFU: Spice that form up, or sent the file unintentionally
- GTFO: Get that folder open or get the food out
- FYFI: For your future implementation
- IDGAF: I didn’t get a form
- OMFG: Outbound marketing from Google
- FART: Final Approval Required Today
- S&M: Sales & Marketing
- AF: Approved final
- MOFO: Master of freaking out
- NSFW: Notes said Friday works
- FUBAR: Firmly understood brand and reputation
- BS: Budget setting, big save, business services, balance sheet, business strategy, or brainstorming session
- TF: Type face, to fill, or tiny fonts
- FTW: For the web, free to watch, forward the Word, or final technical wire-frame
- LMAO: Let’s make another one, or let me ask operations
- ROFL: Read over feedback later
- FCOL: Fab colleague on leave, or first cut off line
- GTM: Get the money
- GTFOH: Gee, thanks for offering help
- FAFO: First ask for opinions
Which redefinition on this marketing dictionary did you enjoy most? Let us know!
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