Henry Schein

About the Company: Henry Schein is a leading distributor of high-quality dental and medical consumables, equipment and services.

Lytho | Henry Schein

Video Length: 1:15


Henry Schein is a large company, but their processes hadn’t grown with them. They were still relying on manual work, with everything in handwritten notes and paper folders. With this system in place, they weren’t able to track projects, find information and support transparency across teams and projects.


Henry Schein needed a solution that would support their growth, speed up their processes, streamline their project management, and enable their much-needed transparency. They implemented Lytho Workflow:

  • The digital tracking of campaigns and projects replaced their manual folders and handwritten notes. This made it easier to find information and keep track of project progress.
  • Lytho’s time tracking was crucial for Henry Schein because they needed to be able to run reports and bill clients accurately.
  • Change management support Henry Schein’s ability to make updates and maintain transparency across their work.



Today, Henry Schein manages all of their projects in Lytho, maintaining transparency across all projects and teams. Gone are the days of manual folders and handwritten notes. Henry Schein now has one place to digitally manage and track their efforts.

Lytho helps you streamline workflows and harmonize all brand collateral under a single, uniform platform. Learn how our creative solutions can boost the effectiveness of your creative projects. Reach out to us by scheduling a demo.