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Join us at the 2024 CUPRAP Spring Professional Development Conference!

Marketing and creative teams in the higher education space face different obstacles and opportunities to their counterparts in other industries. Join this event as we explore all things strategy, marketing, and creative within higher education.


Visit Lytho to learn how Creative Operations can empower higher ed marketing and creative teams to simplify their creative, content, and marketing processes.

Don’t miss out on these exciting sessions

  • A Click Away from Victory or Disaster: Brand Management in 2024
  • A Seat At the Table: The Expanding Role of MarComm Professionals
  • Communicating When It Matters Most: An Interactive Crisis & Issues Management Simulation
  • AI Unleashed: Revolutionizing Higher Ed Comms
  • Working smarter: How External Partners and Students Can Boost Collaboration and Creativity
  • Five Key Elements for Grad Marketing Success
  • Building Your Marketing Strategy and Articulating ROI to Leadership
  • Creating and correcting the organic narrative. Centralize social efforts to streamline the story your university is telling – even in the face of crisis.

There’s workshops, sessions, networking opportunities and everything in between!