This is the first article on the relationship between AI tools, marketers, and creative professionals. Stay tuned for part two coming soon!

How Are Businesses Using Artificial Intelligence for Creative Work?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has caused drastic changes to creative industries, especially in the last couple of years. The AI tools that have been created now offer organizations new ways to expedite their content creation efforts and capabilities by scaling production, driving rapid growth, and helping generate innovative ideas. As with any new technology, however, there are both benefits and challenges to consider. Are you thinking about whether you should integrate AI tools into your workflows? Then this article is for you.

Start with Company Guidelines to Protect Your Brand

According to the latest edition of our Creative Operations Report, where we surveyed more than 180 marketers and creative professionals, 84% of them say they recognize that AI tools have brought on significant changes in their industries. 98% of them say they either use AI tools or plan to do so soon. In a climate that clearly favors the adaptation of AI tools, the first step you must take to ensure AI is being used responsibly and ethically within your organization is to set up clear guidelines and policies that govern AI usage. Our research showed that only 59% of companies currently have AI guidelines, indicating that there’s still room for improvement to further guide AI adoption and protect brands. Here’s how your organization can be part of that group:

Actionable Steps:

  • Establish a clear AI governance framework in which you outline your organization’s approach to AI tools and include best data governance practices and a risk management plan with strategies to deal with unwanted consequences.
  • Define your organization’s ethical principles towards AI usage and misuse.

Things to Consider When Selecting the Right AI Tools

  1. Reasons for Turning to and Using AI Tools

What is most important to your organization and department when selecting a new tool? Are there specific features you’re looking for to aid in your creative operations? Perhaps you want a tool that’s easy to use? Or maybe you simply want the biggest return on your investment possible by maximizing content production? Lytho’s report reveals that when respondents select AI tools for creative work, they prioritize ease of use (64%) and cost-effectiveness (55%) over experience with using the tool or the specific features it offers. Their primary usage is to aid in the creative process, particularly content generation, and creative assistance. We found that its use in video editing, animation, and data visualization is also growing.

Despite its multiple uses with everyday tasks, AI usage is not used in strategic planning and collaboration.

3. Organizational Benefits Of Ai
  1. Benefits of AI Usage for Organizations

What do you stand to gain from adding AI tools to your organization’s digital arsenal? For our report respondents, the primary benefit is increased content output (60%). By using AI tools, marketers and creatives can also produce more content pieces, improve their content’s frequency (43%), and accelerate the concept-to-market time for their creative assets (37%). What other benefits for your organization can you think of?

  1. How Does AI Impact Creativity?

Our findings reveal that the impact of AI on creativity is mixed. While 29% of respondents said they feel less creative when they use AI tools, 35% reported feeling more creative, and 36% said they feel no difference. This suggests that AI can both augment and challenge our creativity. It also suggests that not everyone is suitable to use AI tools. This shows that a flexible approach to AI may be best for organizations – employees need to be given the choice to determine whether these tools promote or hinder their work.

  1. Addressing Potential Challenges of AI for Organizations

Integrating AI, just like with other technologies, is not all smooth sailing. Organizations face challenges with AI integration, such as concerns over originality (39%), change management (39%), productivity and technical issues (37%). This is a complex set of issues to navigate. Let the brand guidelines you lay out on AI and its usage within your organization be your guiding hand. Use them to prevent originality issues and add a section on AI use flexibility to help with resistance to change and productivity issues. To battle technical issues, make sure to consult with your IT and Developer departments and keep them in the loop throughout the integration process.

To AI or Not to AI?

Deciding whether to adapt AI technology and which technology to adapt sounds daunting at first, and Lytho is here to help you make that decision. Gain all the knowledge you need to make an informed decision by diving into the insights into the relationship between AI tools and creative work that our Creative Operations Report offers.

Download your copy today!

At Lytho, we help enhance your creative workflows and unify your brand collateral under a single, uniform platform. Schedule a demo to explore how our solutions can elevate your brand narrative, bringing stories to life with impact and authenticity. We look forward to connecting with you on this storytelling journey.

Do you want to give yourself and your creative team more room for creative stimulation by automating the boring stuff? Lytho helps you streamline your entire workflow and harmonize all brand collateral under a single, uniform platform. Feel free to reach out to us by scheduling a demo and learning how our creative solutions can boost the effectiveness of your creative projects. We look forward to speaking with you!

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Ready to simplify your creative operations and start having a little fun at work again? Schedule time to talk with us.

Let us show you how Lytho’s Creative Operations Platform helps in-house creative and marketing teams do better work, ease the stakeholder experience, and stay on brand.

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