Uncovering the Impact of AI Tools in Creative Work

The creative landscape has been vastly altered by the introduction of AI tools. Their impact has been felt across the different creative branches of every industry out there. To understand the impact of these changes on creative work, we surveyed over 180 individuals and uncovered some pretty fascinating insights, including:

  • 98% of them currently use or are planning to use AI tools
  • 50% utilize AI tools at least weekly, with 30% doing so daily
  • 53% of respondents believe AI enhances content production
  • 52% think AI tools can be distracting

84% of creatives and marketers said they have witnessed major industry shifts in recent years.

Our latest report explores the intersection of AI and creative work, uncovering the impact of AI tools on creativity, production efficiency, and the avoidance of undesirable creative outcomes. It also highlights the difference in motives for using AI tools and reactions to AI tools between creatives and marketers.

Join us as we unravel the intricate relationship between AI and creative work!

The report aims to answer the following questions, among others:

  • What are the major industry events happening?
  • Which industry shifts have respondents personally experienced?
  • How do respondents adapt to change?
  • Are AI tools aiding in or hindering adaptation?
  • To what extent can AI tools assist in preventing the creation of subpar assets, often dubbed ‘bad creative‘?
  • For which creative processes are AI tools being used?
  • What challenges do organizations face with AI?
  • How do marketers and creatives feel towards, respond to, and make use of AI tools?

What are the main industry shifts that creatives and marketers have experienced? The top three industry shifts for both groups center around the use of AI tools:



  • Personalized advertising and marketing (65%)
  • AI-driven graphic design and layout (58%)
  • Automated content creation and generation (54%)



  • AI-driven design and layout (43%)
  • Automated content creation and generation (43%)
  • Personalized advertising and marketing (41%)

Get the full story today – download your copy of Lytho’s latest Creative Operations Report now!

Do you want to give yourself and your creative team more room for creative stimulation by automating the boring stuff? Lytho helps you streamline your entire workflow and harmonize all brand collateral under a single, uniform platform. Feel free to reach out to us by scheduling a demo and learning how our creative solutions can boost the effectiveness of your creative projects. We look forward to speaking with you!

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